Conductor vs Innoventsoft: Content Marketing Platform Comparison

Company introduction


Conductor is an organic marketing platform built for enterprise SEO that spans both content and technical SEO capabilities, helping customers achieve greater organic marketing results in one place.


Innoventsoft offers an AI-based content marketing platform to empower B2B product marketers and content marketers to do organic marketing well. The platform provides a content map for customer lifecycle journeys and helps marketers increase brand awareness and website audience. Marketers can maximize the ROI with visibility of content’s impact on lead conversions, and generate MQLs.

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Difference between Innoventsoft & Conductor

Detailed feature comparison (Conductor vs Innoventsoft)


Conductor is only useful for enterprises with over 1000 employees, and only SEO, Content, and Web teams benefit from the platform. Innoventsoft platform is useful for B2B organizations/enterprises with different capacities. The platform is great for product marketers and content marketers to create the right content, and for demand/lead gen teams to run ABM campaigns and email nurturing effectively. Marketing leaders including VP of Marketing and CMOs can use Innoventsoft platform to know the ROI on content and messaging used for inbound campaigns by visualizing content impact on brand awareness and MQLs generated.

Content suggestion

Conductor does not suggest what (blog) topic to write, and the sources of recommendation are limited to keyword insights and competitive intelligence. Conductor has APIs with SEMrush and Ahrefs through which it provides content topics that perhaps your competition would have written. Innoventsoft platform’s AI-powered algorithm recommends topics based on the positioning data a product marketer would provide regarding their domain. After understanding the domain using a patent-pending algorithm, Innoventsoft platform suggests topics that users’ prospects need at their respective stages in the buying journey. This will bring the “right” traffic and have a better chance of conversions.

Content templates

Conductor does not give more insight into what to write, apart from giving keyword recommendations and competitor examples. Innoventsoft platform has crawled thousands of websites and figured out a winning content pattern that brings the “right” traffic. The algorithm provides content briefs/templates that are tailor-made to users’ domains so that they can create content right away.

Customer lifecycle journey and content mapping

Conductor takes keyword insights and competitor analysis while recommending topics, which may or may not be suited for customers at different stages in the buying lifecycle. Innoventsoft platform starts from the customers, understands the users’ domain, and uses AIDA to track customer lifecycle journeys and map content accordingly. This approach gives a unifying experience since users can quickly churn out content according to their prospects’ needs/pain points at various stages of their buying journeys.

Marketing KPIs (marketing funnel dashboard)

Conductor measures the impact of content based on traffic and SEO KPIs. Innoventsoft platform uses 4 golden metrics as a marketing funnel to help users visualize content performance. The 4 golden metrics are brand awareness, audience engagement, leads, and MQLs. Innoventsoft platform gives instant visibility into the ROI of content by showing its impact on the brand and sales pipeline.

Keyword research

Conductor offers their product largely on a keyword-first approach, while Innovensoft offers a solution with a customer-first approach.

Conductor has a big keyword index that helps users with keywords for their audience. It also provides keywords based on competition. On the other hand, Innoventsoft platform provides keywords and maps them to the suggested content. This saves hundreds of hours for product marketers to create content, map keywords, and validate with digital marketers. And since Innoventsoft integrates with Google AdWords keyword planner, keyword research can be extended for new content as well.

Competitive benchmarking

Both tools provide a fair degree of competition analysis with proxy data from 3rd party sources. Innoventsoft has built an algorithm to create mono-gram, bi-gram, and tri-gram keyword analyses of the keywords your competition may be using.


Conductor takes care of SEO for content and the website (technical SEO). Innoventsoft platform analyzes all the web pages and blogs, and finds SEO suggestions to optimize content. Also, the platform crawls thousands of websites, analyzes content patterns, and proactively generates reports to improve the content.

Project management and workflow

Conductor supports integrations with Trello, Jira, and Asana to manage projects and streamline workflows. Conductor is a useful tool for any marketer looking to manage their content cadence. Innoventsoft does not intend to replace any project management tool because adding that feature may require the users to go through a bit of a learning curve.
 As of today, Innovensoft is providing integrations with Google Sheets and is already developing a solution to seamlessly integrate the platform with Jira and Asana for faster project management of content.

Why Innoventsoft platform?

While Conductor caters mainly to enterprise SEO with a keyword-first approach, Innoventsoft platform aids B2B product marketers and content marketers to quickly create the right content that will be used for websites, inbound campaigns, and lead nurturing.
Considering the gap between the target audience’s pain points/concerns and keyword volume, Innoventsoft platform suggests content maps based on the user’s domain and their target personas at different stages of the buying lifecycle journey. Moreover, content briefs that are curated after analyzing tons of winning content from thousands of B2B websites accompany content maps. Once the content is created, users can visualize and monitor its impact on the brand and sales pipeline, using KPIs like audience engagement and MQLs.
If you’d like to see the Innoventsoft platform in action, book a demo here.


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